This is how we celebrated my birthday. First there were mother daughter pedicures. It was Penny's first one ever. That's the scowl that you might be privileged to see if she likes you enough to try it out on you. It's quickly followed by giggles and smiles if you know to promptly return the look.

Cutest little piggies ever. The secret? Baby Einstein on You Tube.

I should also post the photos of the Easter egg hunt we had with the cousins - someday. They loved it! Penny thought it was pretty funny, but wasn't super fond of the grass. Or the wind.

Lots and lots of candles. But not quite enough. And I wasn't about to run to the store and get more. "23" is a good age right? Who knew being older than a standard 24 pack of candles would be so troublesome.
PS sorry for all the post dating going on around here. I like things in fairly chronological order so I can remember how old Penny was in the photos!