Pics from last Thursday when we all got together. We missed you Shar!

It's nearly impossible to get a pic of three babies all looking at you, but thanks to Alisa's dancing around and playing with toys they're all at least looking the same direction.

We had this awesome (and easy)
pot pie recipe that my Grandmother introduced me to. I use pre-made crusts; yes, I cheat. And then I cut the vents with mini people gingerbread cutters. So fun and easy. We also had italian sodas with peach pear soda from Target, and whipped cream. Alisa brought a great fruit salad and Jen made us some wonderful turtle brownies. Yum.

But of course the best part was watching the littles and catching up on everything. Lincoln and Lizzy look like they are talking about the weather or something. And Lincoln looks a little bit concerned about being with so many girls.

Baby Lincoln and Penny exchanging a look. I think they were rolling their eyes over the amount of pics we were taking.

And baby Lizzy was posing too perfectly not to take pics of her. What a cutie.
And some pics I took of Penny before everyone came over. She was being nice and sweet.

I think I started reading your blog just before you had Penny. I've never commented but every time you post new pics I just can't get over how gorgeous she is. She's got to be one of the prettiest babies I've ever seen! I'm sure you hear it all the time but I just had to share that. :)
That was a great day! We'll definitely have to do it more. I love how the babies were all interested in each other (or at least each other's toys). And i love how we mommies are so good at eating & talking.
Lizzy is still super jealous of all Lincoln & Penny's hair.
Penny is so cute. She was bound to be beautiful with you two as her parents. We miss you guys!
-Yoli & Hunter
She is so gorgeous!!!
And has grown so quickly!
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